Product Specification Sheet


BS EN ISO 22674 / BS EN ISO 9693


Color: PALE YELLOW Type: 4 ADA Classification: HIGH NOBLE (HN) PGM: 87.8%

Metal Content %

Au Pt Pd Ag Ru In Mn Fe Ta Nb Li Re
73.8 8.5 5.4 8.98 x 1.9 x x x x x x

'x' denotes a content of less than one percent

Thermal Properties

Melting Range
Casting Temperature

Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion

( um/m-ºC )

1920-2140 ºF
2345 ºF
1050-1170 ºC
1285 ºC




Mechanical Properties

Vickers Hardness


Yield Strength

(0.2% Offset)

Modulus of Elasticity



( %)



56,000 psi
70,000 psi
386 MPa
483 MPa






Modeling Maintain a minimum wax thickness of 0.3 to 0.4 mm. The wax pattern design should have lingual collars and no sharp corners. Lingual eyelet rings help support castings during firing.

Spruing (Single Crowns) Use direct sprues, 8-10 gauge, (3.3-2.6 mm diameter) and 1/2 in. (12 mm) long with adequate reservoirs. There should be no more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) of investment from the top of the pattern to the top of the investment.

Spruing (Multi-Units & Bridges) Use a 6 gauge (4.1 mm diameter) runner bar, connecting the units to the bar with 10 gauge (2.6 mm diameter) sprues 1/8 in. (3 mm)long and joining the bar to the sprue base with 8 gauge (3.3 mm diameter) and 1/2in. (12 mm) long sprues coming from a domed central entry point. There should be no more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) of investment from the top of the pattern to the top of the investment.

Alloy Quantity 16.7 g/cm3 * (Wax Weight) = Required Alloy Quantity.

Investing Use debubblizer and blow off any excess before investing. Recommended Investment:Phosphate Bonded . Follow the manufacturer's instructions.


After adequate set-up time, place the ring(s) in a room temperature oven and raise the temperature to 790 °C / 1455 °F for 1 hour plus 10 minutes for each additional ring. If you are using a rapid fire investment, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Reusing Cast Alloy Use only clean buttons and at least 35 percent new alloy.

Crucible Type Graphite / Ceramic

Torch Casting Use either a natural gas/oxygen or a propane/oxygen torch with a multi-orifice tip. Ensure that the flame is on a Neutral setting when casting. The fuel proportions should be one-part fuel to two-parts oxygen

Induction or Electrical Casting Use a ceramic crucible and a casting temperature of a least 150°C / 300°F over liquidus temperature. Every casting machine is different. The casting temperature may require adjustment based upon the alloy and the amount of metal being cast.

Cooling Allow casting ring to cool to room temperature. DO NOT quench in water.

Divesting and Cleaning Divest and sandblast with 50 micron aluminum oxide, be careful of margins.

Finishing Grind the metal surfaces for porcelain application with non-contaminating aluminum oxide stones in one direction. Blast with non-recycled 50 micron aluminum oxide. Do not exceed a blast pressure of 4 bars or 60 psi. Clean in distilled water in an ultrasonic cleaner for 10 minutes.

Oxydizing or Degassing 650-980°C, no hold, Do not remove oxide, no vacuum


Solder joints should be as large as possible (at least 5 mm²). Soldering gap approximately 0.05-0.2 mm. The solder joints should be parallel and free of debris. Preheat invested units and pressure blast with 50 micron just before soldering to remove oxide. If flux is used, it should be water soluble.

Use: Y, YPF, YSF


Porcelain Application

Follow the recommendations of the porcelain manufacturer. For a better bond, fire a thin wash 10 - 15 °F (10 °C) above normal temperature, followed by regular opaque coats.

We recommend drying paste opaque from the inside out; this is done by utilizing a hot plate. The units are placed on a honeycomb sagger tray with metal pins. This is placed on top of the burner set a low to medium setting ( approx. 250°F ).it will take approximately 8-10 minutes or until the opaque turns chalky white or flat color. Then place in furnace for entry and maturing.

Post Soldering After Firing

Solder joints should be as large as possible (at least 5 mm²). Soldering gap approximately 0.05 - 0.2 mm. Cover ceramically-veneered units with wax before investing. The soldering investment should not come in contact with the ceramic. The soldering surfaces should be parallel, smooth and free of debris.

Use: 615, 650, 720


Hardening Heat Treat for 10 min. at 600°C /1110°F, Air Cool

Laser Wire LWT65


PolishingFor ceramic alloys use diamond paste and/or Tripoli and rouge with soft bristles and chamois wheels. High shine with clean soft bristle brushes and/or muslin wheel.



Print Date: 2/11/2025